Video: Overwatch Network Graph Explained

Overwatch is a great game and so far I’m enjoying it and whenever I have time I start playing OV. It’s just so simple. Start the game, enjoy a round or two and comeback later – or spent the entire weekend with friends and keep playing Overwatch while you neglect everything else. Great! Time for some BangFit lessons I would say. A fairly decent amount of player in Overwatch have toggled “performance information” on and or using the network graph information without understanding the displayed information provided by Overwatch. I find …

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Overwatch: Blizzards Titan Edition of a Team-based multiplayer

Today at BlizzCon 2014, Blizzard Entertainment announced a new franchise – it’s the first new franchise in 17 years, Hearthstone is a new game, not franchise – Overwatch. Blizzard is one of the video game studio best known for high-quality productions and games that you will enjoy even 10 years later. Not only for highly polished games also for astonishing cinematic trailers. They gifted us with games like Diablo, StarCraft and WarCraft, Hearthstone, today it’s the day not only for a brand new game but also for step forward, today …

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Blizzard is on a quest. The Fate is up to you – Choose your Destiny

Ever thought of applying for one of the positions that Blizzard has listed on their jobs page? You’re not alone. I’d actually go as far as saying that most people playing World of Warcraft, StarCraft or Diablo have at one point given it a thought. Jobs at Blizzard are notoriously difficult to find because Blizzard is one of the most respected companies in the games industry. World of Warcraft boasts over 7 millions subscribers that have at this point been playing for close to a decade, which might arguably make it the …

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The Concept of Time – End of Time!

I hope this will help you to understand the concept of time. The gallery, portfolio and other stuff will arrive soon, mayhaps at the end of the year? It might be of help if you are familiar to the concept of time in Blizzard or Valve terms. 🙂 “Soon” does not imply any particular date, time, decade, century, or millennia in the past, present, and certainly not the future. “Soon” will arrive some day, there is no guarantee that “soon” will be here before the end of time. Maybe. Do not make …

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Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft – Building the Fire

Blizzard Entertainment’s Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is a free-to-play strategy card game for Windows, Macintosh, and iPad. Designed to be deceptively simple and epically engaging for players of all backgrounds, Hearthstone features quick and lively duels that evoke the spirit of a friendly match played beside a crackling tavern fire. PAX Eeast 2013 Day 1 – Announcement “Blizzard Hearthstone” (If you’re only interested in Hearthstone skip to 15:31) Follow the project on Twitter @PlayHearthstone

Project Blackstone: Message #01

  So what’s lurking behind Project Blackstone authentification? E-Mail transmissions between Talen Ayers (unknown) from the Blackstone Research Staff and Dr. Helek Branamoor. A barbecue, wich is sadly cancelled and “Previous studies have uncovered some surprising similarities between the zerg larva’s pluripotent cellular structures and our own embryonic stem cells.”  Project Blackstone: Required password for access? “Y7_$0>0k_3<$m” (Thanks to, for granting access!) It is my profound pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to Project Blackstone. Hold your heads high, people. You are now members of a select team, …

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HSC III: EPIC EVENT IS EPIC – LiquidHuk beat’em all!

Kevin 'rotterdam' van der Kooi (left) and Dennis 'Take' Gehlen on the right.


Tomorrow (today) I’ll write a little coverage about the first day of the epic HSC III event, till that I keep posting pictures. Except more than more than 500 pictures just for day one. Firstly I’m starting with the pictures by, checkout for TL stuff on their site.

Update 27.06.2011

Woah! Life sucks eh? No it’s sucks not even if you have a lot to do. Finally you can find on all pictures from the great HSC III tournament. I’ll write about the HSC III event this week, for sure! If you had not enough time, missed the HSC III don’t be afraid. You just missed an epic event but there will be soon some VoD on Did I already mentioned that Dennis? Thank you very much, also everyone else who was there and involved and all fans and viewers on the stream.

Carlo, get well soon, otherwise we can’t smile! 🙂

In weniger als vier Tagen startet der HomeStory Cup III. Die TaKeTV-Homepage ist jetzt online. Alle wichtigen Informationen über und um den HomeStory Cup findet Ihr dort.

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Battle.NET: Neue Webseite für Account-Sicherheit

Betrüger lassen sich immer neue Wege und Methoden einfallen um an Eure Zugangs-Daten zu gelangen für World of Warcraft, E-Banking oder andere Dienste. Die Methoden sind oft einfache und simple Tricks, doch warum fallen immer wieder Spieler auf die Wege der Betrüger herein? Ernsthaft, “gehackt” zu werden ist fast nicht möglich wenn man nur wenigen Richtlinien folgt. Mit einer neuen Offensive gegen die Betrüger hat Blizzard jetzt die Webseite für Battle.NET Account-Sicherheit veröffentlich. Blizzard gibt dort nützliche Hinweise zur Account-Sicherheit, wie Ihr in einem Fall des Diebstahls reagieren solltet und …

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