Her Serenity, the Lady of Pain

Paolo Giandoso shares his latest: ‘Her Serenity, the Lady of Pain.’ Fantastic work! Read about it here. No one knows how the Lady came to be or what her true purpose is. She is not a woman and she’s not human. Her aspect is that of a floating, robed, giant female, with a mantle of blades around her, impassive, expressionless face. Sometimes she’s seen drifting through the streets, the edge of her gown just brushing over the cobblestones. She never speaks. Those who try interfering with her erupt in horrid …

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Blizzard is on a quest. The Fate is up to you – Choose your Destiny

Ever thought of applying for one of the positions that Blizzard has listed on their jobs page? You’re not alone. I’d actually go as far as saying that most people playing World of Warcraft, StarCraft or Diablo have at one point given it a thought. Jobs at Blizzard are notoriously difficult to find because Blizzard is one of the most respected companies in the games industry. World of Warcraft boasts over 7 millions subscribers that have at this point been playing for close to a decade, which might arguably make it the …

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Stunning images from Alexa Meade that blur the line between paint and photograph

“If I want to paint your portrait, I’m painting it on you — physically on you. That also means you’re probably going to end up with an ear full of paint because I need to paint your ear on your ear,” says Meade in this extremely fun talk, given at TEDGlobal 2013. “The mask of paint mimics what is directly below it. In this way, I am able to take a three-dimensional scene and make it look like a two-dimensional painting.” “I could envision starting with a scene that Liu Bolin created, …

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Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty Stands for everything we believe in, Stands strong when something peril happens, Holds the torch to light the way. Stands for liberty, Wears a crown, Stands high, Stands tall and strong to show that this is her land, Shows truth and honesty, The Statue of Liberty. Sketch Jan / Text by Erica