Overwatch: Blizzards Titan Edition of a Team-based multiplayer

Today at BlizzCon 2014, Blizzard Entertainment announced a new franchise – it’s the first new franchise in 17 years, Hearthstone is a new game, not franchise – Overwatch. Blizzard is one of the video game studio best known for high-quality productions and games that you will enjoy even 10 years later. Not only for highly polished games also for astonishing cinematic trailers. They gifted us with games like Diablo, StarCraft and WarCraft, Hearthstone, today it’s the day not only for a brand new game but also for step forward, today …

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Cosplay 2013 – NO BlizzCON COVER :(

Sorry! The BlizzCon 2013 coverage will be lost forever between space and time. I can’t bring the post back to life and there is no way for me to get the data back. At least enjoy the cosplay video from the blizzcon 2013. Thanks for your patiences and understanding. @bubblechew301 – No. Absolutely not, i don’t aprove any sort of comment section anymore. There will be no possible way to write your comment. If someone have feedback, criticism or just chitchat – E-Mail / contact form.