Minecraft SMP Update

Yosh! – Another part is done. The entrance from the mountain side (Gate) is almost finnished – except the interior but that is another story. Browse the gallery below for new pictures. Greetings to sanso. I hate that lava. Damn you lava! Rawrwrr! — not related content — Shushh! Tony, facebook is a mmorpg where the objective is to collect “friends” not a social plattform for advertisement and games. You should stop trying to jump onto the social game train. Social plattforms are themselves a game! We should try out …

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Tares Castle 2.0

Thank you guys for watching my ‘Minecraft‘ clip on ‘YouTube‘. I never played this game before and this is my first building I made. I decided to make a castle, like the Hyrule castle from Zelda – Ocarina of Time but ended with something else. I recieved amount of feedback during the video and creative process. First of all, thank you all for the mails. I have also to announce a statement for the little 4chan trolls: “This is the final triforce? New fags can’t triforce!” “Yeah right, NOT! Beware …

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Minecraft – Tares Singleplayer World (Part 2)

Do you know anything about ninja creeper? I hate those guys! All the fucking time when you’re work on a project… “ZZzzZZzzZZzz nais houze u have there!” – Bam! Out of nowehre! Mostly from behind or falling down on top of you! Anway, that is my little minecraft SP world. I got a lot of work to do. Under the screenshots u can find a comic, don’t ask me who made that genius comic. I recieved it from a friend a few days ago. Now comes the true horror: True …

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Minecraft – Tares Singleplayer World (Part 1)

Dieser Turm führt unter Tage zum Bergwerk, den einzelnen Minen und dient als Lagerhaus, davor der Brunnen. Rechts das Getreidehaus(Gewächshaus). Die erste Etage im Minenturm, Truhen, Truhen und noch mehr Truhen… Damit es besonders schnell wächst, ist das Haus von unten bewässert… Dies ist die erste Ebene und der äußere Ring vom Burgturm. Die zweite Ebene setzt oben auf die erste auf, 7 Blöcke im Radius weniger. Der mittlere “Turm”  dient als Treppe nach oben, Innen ist unteranderem das 2. Stockwerk zusehen welches sich in Arbeit befindet. (Holy moly… über …

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Minecraft – My World of “Mindcraft” (Hyrules Castle)

I like to show you a few progress screenshot from my current project in Minecraft. Sup! I would like to show you something about my minecraft projekt “Hyrules Castle”. First i was thinking about to create a Zelda Castle but i couldnt find the right size. Now “its Hryules Castle, a Castle with an Citadell, Maze, Underground Dungeon and a huge tunnel system. The Castle (and the other stuff too) is in progress. Yet is quite nothign really finished, but look for your self. Burning Dragon Minecraft Server: http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=e5b53fad088941f5ad8898c66081cd78 PS: …

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