Skywind – ‘Envision’ Trailer (February 2016 Progress Update)

An inside look at the latest Skywind developer alpha for February 2016. All footage shown here has been implemented into the game since around December. As always, this is early footage and everything is subject to change. This video shows a tiny fraction of what we have been working on, and is a just a taste of what is to come. You want to volunteer and offer your dedication? For more information on the project, visit Song: Position Music – “Empyrea” by Jo Blakenburg

Skywind Official Channel – 2016 Video Preview

There are huge changes and updates ahead for Skywind. As we draw closer to the new year, we wanted to share some of the things you can expect to see out on this channel some time in 2016. All of this is alpha footage and there is no set time or date for these videos, or guarantee they will happen. This is just a preview of what you might expect to see. You want to volunteer and offer your dedication? Read this first. We gladly accept your support and help.

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim

Der 11.11.11, ein würdiger Tag für ein GotY oder nicht? Von Skyrim haben wir bisher nicht viel erfahren, Bethesda veröffentlicht Häppchen weise neue Details zum Kampfsystem, Engine und anderen Details. Der Trailer mit epischer Musik ohne Szenen, InGame Footage… kein anderes Game schafft wohl einen solchen Hype wie The Elder Scrolls. VIA