RSA Animate – Re-Imagining Work

Despite the fact that most people today have a far richer experience of technology in their personal lives, we still tend to use technology at work in a way that hasn’t greatly changed in over 30 years. At home, we are surrounded by a multitude of powerful, connected devices, we have adopted an entirely new perspective around openness and sharing and, for the most part, we continue to search out new and different ways of putting technology in a place where it can enable us to become greater than the …

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RSA Animate – Language as a Window into Human Nature

The reason the RSA videos are so fregin awesome is because the knowledge they present are starkly non-trivial. As children we develop layer after layer of analysis of knowledge of others, and indeed, looking at social problems using decentralized perspectives is one of the hallmarks of adult thinking. Although it is a mainstay of our communication, much of it is done subconsciously, and this video actually serves to formalize the games that we intuitively play.