Social Media Guard

Oh snap, I shit you not – I’m in particullary need of the social media guard. I do not leave the home without my smartphone nor I enter my bed without smartphone it – silently it’s waiting for new orders on my bed table, waking me up or trying to break my sleep… Do you leave your home without smartphone? Alerady interacting with early in the morning, not even finnished breakfast? Get yourself a SMC now! How does the Social Media Guard works? Take control of your life back and …

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Media updates

Recently I fixed a few videos. Watch them and have fun. Last Resort – Kiljaeden YOUTUBE Last Resort- Muru YOUTUBE TDP – Hodir (10NM) YOUTUBE CC-Guild – Eredar Twins YOUTUBE CC-Guild – Felmyst YOUTUBE CC-Guild – Brutallus YOUTUBE CC-Guild – Illidan Stormrage YOUTUBE CC-Guild – Najentus YOUTUBE CC-Guild – Void Reaver YOUTUBE CC-Guild – One Night in SSC YOUTUBE CC-Guild – Leotheras the Blind YOUTUBE CC-Guild – Lurker Below YOUTUBE CC-Guild – Fathom-Lord Karathress YOUTUBE CC-Guild – Hydross the Unstable YOUTUBE A Night in AnhQiraj CC, LS, WL) YOUTUBE Ultoris …

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