Social Media Guard

Oh snap, I shit you not – I’m in particullary need of the social media guard. I do not leave the home without my smartphone nor I enter my bed without smartphone it – silently it’s waiting for new orders on my bed table, waking me up or trying to break my sleep…

Do you leave your home without smartphone? Alerady interacting with early in the morning, not even finnished breakfast? Get yourself a SMC now! How does the Social Media Guard works?

Take control of your life back and force social interactions with human beings trough eye contact and human noises – without the help of any device or social media network, app, …

At our workplace we enforced new rules. To be more precise our commissioner for data protection enforced a new rule. No smartphone outside your pocket while sitting near or on your workplace. Why? To protect our project- or customer data and increasing our productivity. Maybe I should tell him about the new social media guard, I think this will greatly enhance our productivity by up to 60 percent 🙂