Skywind – Official Development Video #4

The Elder Scrolls Renewal Project is proud to present the 4th installment in our developer video series! This time with a heavy emphasis on recruitment, we are ready to share what the team has been hard at work on in the year since our last video. Thank you to all the fans for their continued patience and support! For more information about the project, visit us at: For volunteer information, follow this link: – Skywind is currently not available for public download. There is currently no release date. …

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Skywind – Official Development Video #1

To anyone seeing this video, the best way to help this project and make our hard work pay off is to SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE to these videos to spread the word. We need volunteers of all sorts, and there are simple tasks that anyone can help with, so please check out the website and see how you can support us at Morroroblivion. The more help we get, the faster the final release will come.

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim

Der 11.11.11, ein würdiger Tag für ein GotY oder nicht? Von Skyrim haben wir bisher nicht viel erfahren, Bethesda veröffentlicht Häppchen weise neue Details zum Kampfsystem, Engine und anderen Details. Der Trailer mit epischer Musik ohne Szenen, InGame Footage… kein anderes Game schafft wohl einen solchen Hype wie The Elder Scrolls. VIA