POL1Z1STENS0HN – Blasserdünnerjunge macht sein Job

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Laugengebäck Makes My Heart Go Aflutter!

Today I had some really delicious chocolate cookies and Laugengebäck (juicy and crusty, incredibly lusty). The awesomeness made me go aflutter and I remembered a (music) video “Baby Got Laugengebäck” production by Jan Böhmermann – NEO MAGAZIN ROYALE. Let’s share happiness everyone and get yourself some perfectly tanned, yet elegant Laugengebäck! Jan Böhmerman is a German comedian and television / media entertainer, works also as comedy writer and producer. My congratulations to Mr. Böhmermann and his TV-Crew. for being awarded with the german Grimme-Award for their video production about Yanis Varoufakis / Varoufake-Video.