Mamoru Oshii: The Illusion of Peace – Patlabor 2

Patlabor 2

While previous iterations of the Patlabor series had a heavy focus on political themes, the 1993 anime movie Patlabor 2 shifted its attention to both domestic and international issues faced by the Japanese government in the 20th century. Directed by the highly respected and influential anime filmmaker Mamoru Oshii, Patlabor 2 is praised for its intelligent storytelling, impressive animation, and thought-provoking themes. Oshii’s contributions to the anime industry, particularly in the mecha and cyberpunk genres, have earned him numerous awards and honors. His works have been exhibited at major film …

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原発20キロ圏内に生きる男 – Alone in the Zone

福島の警戒区域にただ独り残る松村直登。Surviving solo in the Fukushima evacuation zone. For English subtitles, click “CC” button at the bottom of the video player. Two years since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant went into full meltdown, and the resulting 20KM evacuation zone was enforced, one farmer still remains behind braving high levels of radiation and loneliness to tend to abandoned animals. His name is Naoto Matsumura, and he is the last man standing in the ghost town of Tomioka. Another farmer, Kenji Hasegawa’s town of Iidate was also evacuated due to high levels …

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