#TTIPleaks: The Leaked Text Unveil US Position On EU Laws

Last night Greenpeace Deutschland projected the #TTIPleaks onto the German Reichstag building. (Featured Image by Ruben Neugebauer / Greenpace) Long standing environmental protection is dropped No place for climate protection in TTIP Precautionary principle is forgotten Open door for corporate lobbying Jorgo Riss said: “The effects of TTIP would be initially subtle but ultimately devastating. It would lead to European laws being judged on their consequences for trade and investment – disregarding environmental protection and public health concerns.”

Under the Dome – Air pollution in China

The Pollution of air in China is a well known and inconvenient truth. The video “Under the Dome” “柴静雾霾调查:穹顶之下:柴静雾霾调查:穹顶之下 (完整版)” (chinese link) was released on february 28 by the former CCTV anchor Chai Jing. A self -funded documentary hold in a TED like event. Chai talks about the impact of oil consumption on air quality, focusing first on vehicle emissions standards. She addresses the fact that, while China’s increasing reliance on cars is partly to blame for poorer air quality, lax regulation of heavy-duty trucks is even more harmful. This opened …

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