This August, Seattle saw a flood of game developers coming into town for Unite 2014, the eighth annual Unity conference held at the Seattle Center. Among the exciting sessions and keynote speeches, Jens Fursund from our PowerVR Ray Tracing team was there to introduce the upcoming Unity 5 lightmap editor which uses our ray tracing technology to quickly and accurately simulate lighting.
The keynote address from Unity’s premier developer conference in Seattle with Unity’s co-founders Davíð Helgason and Joachim Ante, technical director Lucas Meijer, VP Online Services Tod Hooper and lead evangelist Carl Callewaert.
At Unite, you’ll learn from our engineers on how to mine Unity tools for more power and flexibility in your work. Get a sneak peek at upcoming product features and new services. See what your fellow developers and artists from around the world are creating with Unity. Pick up technical, artistic and business techniques for your continued success.
- Physically-based Shading
- Real-time Global Illumination with Enlighten
- Real-time Lightmap Previews
- Audio Overhaul
- WebGL Add-on Early Access
- Unity Cloud
- Unity is now 64-bit
- New multithreaded job scheduler
- NVIDIA PhysX 3.3
- Easier and incremental building of Asset Bundles
- New 2D physics effectors
- SpeedTree Integration
- NavMesh improvements
- Mecanim StateMachine Behaviours
- Loading optimizations
- And many other improvements