Paladins Beta: Gotcha Face Bucked!

If you know how to play Skye – she is OP – the same as Buck – depending on the team setup and team-play. Anyway. Buck faced. I has bucket! If you want to play the Paladins Beta send me a message or go on right now ask for invitation and maybe follow him if you like – have fun. You should not listen to my complaints and read the first hands-on look by Tina Lauro Pollock.

Paladins: Champions of the Realm is a great game for a beta – it’s free to play game from the Studio Hi-Rez. A multiplayer, team-shooter such as OVERWATCH. It’s nice, a refreshing alternative to Overwatch. If I had to compare the two I would say – cool game but not that awesome, yet fine for a closed beta. Hi-Rez simply don’t want to learn anything about UI/UX design – the interface was okay – bad – good – worse. Some interface elements are missing others are violent little buggers who are trying to annoy you to the utmost possible climax of hi-rez interface rage. At least their showing good progress for a overall simplified menu. Well, balancing. Yes. Something is happening. Not sure what. Please remember – it’s a Beta – don’t be scared – join.

Paladins - Match Summary
Paladins Beta – Match Summary / Scoreboard