The Pollution of air in China is a well known and inconvenient truth. The video “Under the Dome” “柴静雾霾调查:穹顶之下:柴静雾霾调查:穹顶之下 (完整版)” (chinese link) was released on february 28 by the former CCTV anchor Chai Jing. A self -funded documentary hold in a TED like event. Chai talks about the impact of oil consumption on air quality, focusing first on vehicle emissions standards. She addresses the fact that, while China’s increasing reliance on cars is partly to blame for poorer air quality, lax regulation of heavy-duty trucks is even more harmful.
This opened the space, and then returning to past problems, Rethinking the status of these high energy consumption and high pollution enterprises of the industry, to see their impact on the Chinese economy, I feel there is no conflict between environmental protection and economic development.
The film rapidly made rounds on the Internet, having garnered over of 100 million views on Chinese video hosting sites at the time of this posting. The video has not (yet) taken down by the government, even as its critical view and target of the major chinese industries. Astonishing, the newly appointed environment minister Chen Jinjing said in a government report (chinese) the documentary was “worthy of respect” and also thanked Chai for her work.
The reform and opening up of China hasn’t been happening quite the way we’ve been told, like a small bird breaking out of its egg. Its more like a cicada shedding its skin, emerging ever so slowly. Energy is the last part of that shell that needs to be shed.
Most of the people in china don’t get the full story on China’s environmental problems that even effect other nations close and apart from china. That people don’t get the full details or can comprehend the whole story behind specific problems in their home country is one of our common problems in the world. Most goverments try to silence the issues by revoking the impact of those problems. You can see this in USA, Germany, Netherlands. I hope this video will benefit from the fact that this video already reached over millions of chinese internet user. Also it is maybe beneficial that the chinese government last year pledged to reduce the pollution and has start to address this environmental problem at the core.
If you might by any chance interested in the development of china you can order the “Länderbericht China” (only available in german) on the online-shop at “Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung”.
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This video is in China has aroused strong concern, youku19 more than 1.3 million hours of video playback time, playing the number is still growing rapidly. Boxun special forwarding youtube to facilitate overseas readers to watch. Chai Jing stated that the public interest in this film , each site can be played. Boxun predicted repercussions of this piece caused Chaijing than expected, the publicity department might intervene.