Making Games: Make A Multiplayer Shooter In Unity

Learn how to create video games using Unity 3D, the free-to-use game development tool.  You need no prior experience for Unity. Unity gives you everything you need to realize your creative vision fast, and move ahead. If you have any prior experience in coding or other knowledge of programming skip this course. Go directly to the Unity 3D webpage and check out the official tutorials.

This is a short course designed to introduce you to Unity’s Networked Multiplayer system. This is an introduction to networking concepts as well as several components specifically made for Unity Multiplayer Networking.

  • Unity’s Multiplayer Networking High Level API (HLAPI)
  • NetworkIdentity and NetworkTransform, to
  • Remote Actions, such as Commands and ClientRPCs
  • SyncVars and SyncVar hooks
  • NetworkManager, and NetworkManagerHUD
  • NetworkStartPosition

Anyone who wants to learn to create games: Unity 3D is a fantastic platform which enables you to make production-quality games. Furthermore these games can be created for Windows, MacOS, iOS (even iOS 9), Android and Web from a single source!

If you’re a complete beginner, we’ll teach you all the coding and game design principles you’ll need. If you’re an artist, we’ll teach you to bring your assets to life. If you’re a coder, we’ll teach you game design principles.