PS3 Tech. / KARA

Eyjup. Today I want to share this video below with u. “Kara” technology demo by Quantic Dream, the creators of Heavy Rain. The recorded material is running on the actual PS3 and is about NEXT GEN. emotions, behaivor and facial expression/animation. This is not actual GAME footage and won’t be part of any game footage.

It’s a great tech demo and cinematic piece, but that doesn’t mean it wil be any good as game. As soon as the player takes over control the entire setting changes. Emotions might not get noticed and behaviour might not be as realistic. That’s where the true challenge comes into play. As great as modern games look, they are still far from realistic or cinematic. I believe this is one of the major categorys we have to work on: interaction – intutive interact and interactive A.I. systems not based on scripted interactions.

Quantic Dream, the development studio behind titles like Heavy Rain, has showcased the new technology, entitled’Kara’. “Kara” is not our next game. It’s not the character, it’s not the world, it’s not the story… . That’s a part of the DNA of the studio.” tells David Cage.

So what is Kara ? As far as we know, it can look after house, do the cooking, mind the kids, organise your appointments, speak 300 langages, and remain entirely at your disposal as a sexual partner…